1110-BG000-ISP-3309 – The Role of Microorganisms and Enzymes in the Bioeconomy (winter term)
Short description:
The lecture introduces students to the bioeconomy research and innovations that are focused on renewable use of biological resources as well as towards sustainable primary production and processing systems. Special emphasis is laid on industrial methods that use microorganisms or enzymes for the preparation of food, fuels, pharmaceuticals and other bio-based products with minimized inputs, environmental impact, fossil- and greenhouse gas emissions-free strategy as well as with enhanced ecosystem services, zero waste and adequate societal value.
- Sources of microorganisms (Dr. J. Żylińska-Urban)
- The use of microorganisms in bioprocesses (Dr. J. Żylińska-Urban)
- Bacterial fermentations (Dr. J. Żylińska-Urban)
- Yeast in bioprocesses (Dr. J. Żylińska-Urban)
- Biotechnological processes with the use of filamentous fungi (Dr. J. Żylińska-Urban)
- Biotransformations using enzymes – History, fundamentals, and future developments (Dr. P. Borowiecki)
- Properties of enzymes, pros & cons of biocatalytic processes vs chemical technologies (Dr. P. Borowiecki)
- Endo- and exo-genous enzymes and methods of their isolation and immobilization (Prof. M. Bretner)
- Lipases as an example of one of the most powerful biocatalysts – properties & applications (Dr. P. Borowiecki)
- Industrial use of enzymes – Applications of enzymes and/or whole microbial cells to the synthesis of organic compounds, biofuels, cosmetics’ ingredients, and pharmaceuticals (Dr. P. Borowiecki)
- Enzymatic synthesis of biocides (Prof. Z. Ochal/Dr. T. Zdrojewski)
- Enzymatic synthesis of antibiotics (Prof. D. Janczewski)
- Enzymatic synthesis of antimicrobial polymers (Prof. D. Janczewski)
Recommended Textbook:
- C. Ratledge, B. Kristensen (Ed.), Podstawy biotechnologii, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2013.
1020-BIBTC-MSP-1007 – Technology and Biotechnology of Natural Products (summer term)
Short description:
The lecture introduces students to the chemistry and biology of natural products including their derivatives used in the chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Physicochemical, physiological, and pharmacological properties including toxicity of the representative examples of natural products are discussed. In addition, special attention is also gained at raw materials, natural sources, and manufacturing methods with particular emphasis on biotechnological methods of the synthesis and isolation of natural products.
- Amino acids
- Peptides and Proteins
- Lipids
- Carbohydrates
- Alkaloids
- Flavones & Flavonoids
- Terpenoids
- Steroids
- Feromones
- Natural fragrance compounds
- Natural dyes and pigments
- Toxic products of natural origin
- Natural products in drug development – achievements & modern aspects
Recommended Textbook:
- Kołodziejczyk, Naturalne związki organiczne, WN PWN, Warszawa 2017.
- Sujata, Chemistry of natural products, Springer, 2005.
- M. Dewick, Medicinal Natural Products: A Biosynthetic Approach, 3rd Edition, 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
- J. Knoelker (Ed.), Alkaloid Synthesis, Springer, 2012.
- Z. Paryzek , M. Piasecka , T. Pospieszny, Steroidy, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011.
1020-BIBTC-MSP-1001 – Specialized Laboratory: Fundamentals (Principles and Applications) of Enzyme Biocatalysis Using Lipases (summer term)
Short description:
Advanced laboratory course aimed at biocatalytic methods employing lipases as catalysts with special emphasize on kinetic resolution (KR) of enantiomers. Properties of lipases including their major features, such as: chemo-, regio-, diastereo- and enantio-selectivity; enzymatic reactions in aqueous vs non-aqueous media; pros and cons of native enzymes vs immobilized enzymes; biological significance of chirality as well as pharmacological properties of enantiomers are discussed.
- Lipase-catalyzed kinetic resolution of racemic alcohols/esters
- Enantioselective reactions: (i) (trans)esterification, (ii) hydrolysis, (iii) alcoholysis
- Performing reactions using laboratory shakers vs magnetic stirrers
- Special techniques: immobilization of enzymes
- Detail course on GC analysis – (i) fundamentals of separation process (ii) preparation of the samples, (iii) discussion on the construction and functioning of the chromatographic apparatus including use and care instructions, (iv) short characteristics of columns, (v) qualitative and quantitative analysis of chromatographed mixtures (i.e., an external vs internal standard calibration methods), (vi) preparation of calibration curves
- Monitoring of the reaction progress – (i) thin layer chromatography (TLC) and (ii) gas chromatography (GC)
- Kinetics of enzymatic reactions
- Isolation and purification of the KR reactions’ products – column chromatography
- Short course on HPLC analysis – (i)-(iv) see above for GC, (v) basics of enantiomers’ resolution process, (vi) interpretation of chromatograms
- Characterization of the synthesized enantiomerically enriched products using chiral HPLC – (i) determination of enantiomeric excesses (% ee), (ii) calculation of the conversion rates based on % ee, (iii) calculation of the enantioselectivity factor (E)
- Measuring optical rotation of the synthesized optically active products using polarimetry
- Reporting the results of experiments
Recommended Textbook:
- Faber, Ed. Biotransformations in Organic Chemistry: A Textbook; 7th ed.; Springer Verlag, New York, NY, 2018.
- P. Borowiecki, BIOTRANSFORMATIONS – Theory for THE SPECIALIZED LABORATORY (own study-script).
CH.BIOB005 – Laboratory of Organic Chemistry II: Advanced Organic Synthesis (summer term)
Short description:
Advanced laboratory course aimed at modern synthetic techniques and strategies including retrosynthetic planning of syntheses, implementing catalysts and/or protective groups chemistry approaches, performing instrumental analyses, and reporting analytical (spectroscopic and chromatographic) data.
- Retrosynthetic planning of the reactions
- Searching chemical databases (Reaxys, SciFinder etc.)
- Synthetic methods/reactions: (i) reduction, (ii) oxidation, (iii) substitution etc.
- Drying organic solvents
- Performing reactions under inert gas-protective conditions
- Performing reactions in pressurized reactors
- Monitoring of the reaction’s progress – (i) thin layer chromatography (TLC) and (ii) gas chromatography (GC)
- Isolation and purification of the reactions’ products – (i) vacuum distillation and/or bulb-to-bulb distillation using Kugelrohr apparatus, (ii) recrystallization, (iii) column chromatography, (iv) preparative layer chromatography (PLC)
- Short course on software processing the crude NMR data (.fid files) – ACD/NMR Processor Academic Edition vs MestReNova
- Characterization of the synthesized products – interpretation of: (i) NMR, HR-MS and IR spectra, (ii) GC and HPLC chromatograms; (iii) melting point measurements.
- Reporting the results of experiments
Recommended Textbook:
- Clayden, N. Greeves, S. Warren, P. Wothers, Organic Chemistry, Oxford University Press, 2000.
- March, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Wiley, 1992.
- Warren, P. Wyatt, Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach, 2nd ed., Wiley, Chichester, 2008.
- I. Vogel, A.R. Tatchell, B.S. Furnis, A.J. Hannaford, P.W.G. Smith, Vogel’s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry, 5th Edition.
- Wróbel (Ed.), Preparatyka i elementy syntezy organicznej, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa 1983.
- B. Bochwic (Ed.), Preparatyka Organiczna, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Łódź 1969.
1020-BI000-ISP-6005 – Designing Biotechnological Processes (summer term)
Short description:
Advanced computational course aimed at major biotechnological aspects of designing industrial processes. The subject includes getting acquainted with application programs for preparing chemical formulas and equations as well as performing various types of technological schemes and balances. The subject concerns the technology of obtaining a particular product using biotechnological methods and requires the implementation of at least four basic processes. The student team (ca. 6 people) carries out the project in the computer laboratory and, if necessary, at home. Students analyze alternative biochemical and biotechnological concepts based on literature data and information from lecturers, and prepare full-textual project as well as short oral presentation
- Discussion on current state-of-art based on literatures’ and patents’ reports
- Analysis and selection of (bio)chemical and (bio)technological concepts
- Analysis of the essence of the selected technological process and preparation of schematic diagram
- Characteristics of products, by-products, and staring materials (technical requirements, standards, analysis of SDS etc.)
- Preparation of the materials’ accounting, mass balances, and Sankey charts (diagrams)
- Waste management (solid and liquid wastes, sewages, atmospheric pollution, indicators, type and costs of utilization)
- Health & safety aspects as well as fire protection issues related to the process
- Selection of construction materials for apparatus (corrosion aspects),
- Analytical control of the process
- Technological scheme (installations on a technical scale)
- Description of the process flow including selection of the reactors, stirring elements, piping installation etc.
- Estimation of the equipment size on a technical scale (batch size, Gantt chart etc.)
- Requirements for control and measurement equipment
- Energy issues (balance, heating and/or cooling media)
- Process economics assessment
- Scaling-up risk assessment
- Final seminar – short oral presentations by students (15 min)
Recommended Textbook:
- Bortel, H. Koneczny, Zarys technologii chemicznej, PWN, Warszawa, 1992.
- Bednarski, J. Fiedurek, Podstawy biotechnologii przemysłowej, WNT, Warszawa 2007.
- Synoradzki i in., Projektowanie procesów technologicznych, I-IV, OWPW, 2010.
- G. Anderson, Practical Process Research and Development, Academic Press, 2012.
Master’s theses
- Chemoenzymatyczna synteza optycznie czynnych γ-arylo-γ-butyrolaktonów z użyciem komórek mikroorganizmów oraz rekombinowanych dehydrogenaz alkoholowych
Graduate student: MSc Natalia Telatycka
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
Research tutor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
- Chemoenzymatyczna synteza enancjomerycznej (R)-lizofiliny (Chemoenzymatic synthesis of enantiomeric (R)-lisofylline)
Graduate student: MSc Beata Zdun
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
Research tutor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
- Opracowanie chemoenzymatycznej syntezy (R)- oraz (S)-1-(10H-fenotiazyno-10-ilo)propan-2-olu
Graduate student: MSc Daniel Paprocki (currently D. Paprocki, PhD)
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Monika Wielechowska (WUT)
Research tutor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
- Enzymatyczny rozdział kinetyczny racemicznego naproksenu (Enzymatic kinetic resolution of racemic naproxen)
Graduate student: MSc Piotr Marcin Cieśla
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
Research tutor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
- Chemoenzymatyczna synteza 2-[(2S)-3-chloro-2-hydroksypropylo]-1H-izoindolo-1,3(2H)-dionu jako potencjalnie użytecznego prekursora w syntezie enancjomerycznych β-blokerów (Chemoenzymatic synthesis of 2-[(2S)-3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl]-1H-isoindole-1,3(2H)-dione as a potentially useful precursor in the synthesis of enantiomeric β-blockers)
Graduate student: MSc Magdalena Wiklińska
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
Research tutor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
- Niestandardowa reakcja cyklopropanów donorowo-akceptorowych z akceptorami Michaela (Non-standard reaction of donor-acceptor cyclopropanes with Michael acceptors)
Graduate student: MSc Jakub Durka
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
Research tutor: Prof. Dorota Gryko (IChO PAS)
- Synteza optycznie czynnego prekursora β-blokerów (Synthesis of enantiopure precursor of β-blockers)
Graduate student: MSc Natalia Popow
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
Research tutor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
- Charakterystyka białek PA0124 i PA0125 w Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Characterization of PA0124 and PA0125 proteins in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Graduate student: MSc Agata Gruszczyńska
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
Research tutor: Dr. Adam Kawałek (IBB PAS)
Engineering’s theses
- Chemoenzymatyczna synteza enancjomerycznie wzbogaconych profenów
Graduate student: BSc Paulina Krystoszyk
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
Research tutor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
- Badania nad oddziaływaniem kinazy białkowej CK2 z halogenowanymi pochodnymi związków heterocyklicznych
Graduate student: BSc Magdalena Wojtczak
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
Research tutor: Dr. Daniel Paprocki (IBB PAS)
- Chemoenzymatyczna synteza optycznie czynnej diprofiliny i ksantynolu (Chemoenzymatic synthesis of enantiopure diprophylline and xanthinol)
Graduate student: – BSc Mateusz Młynek
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
Research tutor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
- Chemoenzymatyczna synteza alkoholi homopropargilowych
Graduate student: BSc Marta Wiśniewska
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
Research tutor: Dr. Tadeusz Zdrojewski (WUT)
- Enzymatyczny rozdział kinetyczny adduktów reakcji Barbiera
Graduate student: BSc Dariusz Wieczorkowski
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Tadeusz Zdrojewski (WUT)
Research tutor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
- Indukowane światłem alkilowanie bogatych w elektrony związków heteroaromatycznych diazoestrami (Light-induced alkylation of electron-rich heteroaromatic compounds with diazoesters)
Graduate student: BSc Jakub Durka
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
Research tutor: Prof. Dorota Gryko (IChO PAS)
- Otrzymywanie modyfikowanych super-kwasów oraz próby ich zastosowania jako katalizatorów racemizacji w enzymatycznym dynamicznym rozdziale kinetycznym alkoholi homopropargilowych (Synthesis of modified super-acids and trials of their use as racemization catalysts in an enzymatic dynamic kinetic resolution of homopropargyl alcohols)
Graduate student: – BSc Klaudia Stachnik (currently Dobrzyńska)
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
Research tutor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
- Charakterystyka pochodnych 1,3-dimetyloksantyn pod kątem aktywności przeciw Candida spp. (Characteristic of derivatives of 1,3-dimethylxanthine for activity against Candida spp.)
Graduate student: BSc Magdalena Lis
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
Research tutor: Dr. Monika Staniszewska (PZH)
Opracowanie chemoenzymatycznej syntezy optycznie czynnych pochodnych kwasu 3-arylo-3-hydroksypropionowego
Graduate student: BSc Marta Trzebińska
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Monika Wielechowska (WUT)
Research tutor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
- Otrzymywanie optycznie czynnych alkoholi pochodnych heterocykli z zastosowaniem biokatalizatorów
Graduate student: BSc Sylwia Balter
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Monika Wielechowska (WUT)
Research tutor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
- Opracowanie syntezy alkoholi pochodnych benzimidazolu
Graduate student: BSc Joanna Piłat
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Monika Wielechowska (WUT)
Research tutor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
- Opracowanie nowej syntezy optycznie czynnego inhibitora kinazy kazeinowej CK-2 – (S)-2-(2-hydroksyprop-1-ylamino)-4,5,6,7-tetrabromo-1H-benzimidazolu
Graduate student: BSc Patrycja Puk
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
Research tutor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
- Construction of the translational fusions of the potential ParB partners in vectors used for in vivo testing of protein-protein interactions in BACTH system
Graduate student: BSc Olga Sokolnicka
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
Research tutor: Dr. Krzysztof Głąbski (IBB PAN)
- Opracowanie syntezy optycznie czynnych pochodnych 2-(1H-benzimidazol-2-ilo)-1-(arylo)etanolu – nowych potencjalnych inhibitorów kinazy CK2
Graduate student: BSc Magdalena Kurowska
Thesis supervisor: Prof. Maria Bretner (WUT)
Research tutor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
- Optymalizacja otrzymywania enancjomerycznie czystych pochodnych estru benzoilooctanu metylu za pomocą biotransformacji przy użyciu lipaz
Graduate student: BSc Patrycja Niemyńska
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Monika Wielechowska (WUT)
Research tutor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
- Optymalizacja otrzymywania optycznie czynnych estrów kwasów 3-acetyloksy- oraz 3-hydroksy-3-fenylopropionowych metodami enzymatycznymi
Graduate student: BSc Katarzyna Kordowska
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Monika Wielechowska (WUT)
Research tutor: Dr. Paweł Borowiecki (WUT)
Students whose research interests include organic synthesis, biocatalysis, asymmetric catalysis, stereochemistry and/or medicinal chemistry are welcome! We are always interested in hearing from highly motivated students from Biotechnology as well as Chemical Technology field of studies.
In 2021/22 academic season we are looking for creative and brilliant MSc candidates in the following topics:
- In Progress (Date of publication: March 2021)
- In Progress (Date of publication: March 2021)
In 2021/22 academic season we are looking for creative BSc candidates in the following topics:
- In Progress (Date of publication: March 2021)
- In Progress (Date of publication: March 2021)
We are also opened for visiting students (an internship) that are interested in beginning their early-step carrier in the LBB-WUT Lab as research assistants or at least research technicians both being a part of our ongoing projects and/or ungraduated students’ thesis.